…need all three: deep languaging, silence and eating together joyously and informally. This is an alchemical combination. I feel that for the deep-languaging section, there must be an agreed upon leader, a responsibility which passes to another member of the circle at each meeting (including all friends of the circle, avoided the exclusionist term "member"), because there is no one who will spontaneously come among us who is not uniquely qualified, each in his or her own way, to lead the languaging of the circle - some will intervene more, some less, but the leader should have the full respect and cooperation of everyone. I personally feel, again out of experiences we have had together, that the languaging session should begin with a prayer or a conscious exercise led by someone already appointed at the previous meeting but different from the leader of the circle (preferably holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, but that would be entirely at the discretion of the leader of this "invocation," let's call it). This invocation should occur exactly at the pre-appointed hour to begin the circle. Friends of the circle can be encouraged to come up to an hour early for playful and informal discussion, but after the invocation, we should go immediately drop into the circle (which, of course, will have a different atmosphere each time, depending on the leader). This is the way I presently see our "celebration of freedom for the highest good." Suzanne, you have deeply held this vision and now you are holding it from an even more profound spiritual place, thanks to…


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