Mighty Companions Presents

THE HERRINGBONE PROJECT: Laboratory for Reality Creation

Convened by Suzanne Taylor

Dreaming Us Up

What we are doing:

Creating group consciousness

Facilitating each other's work

Thinking together

Engaging some sort of national feeling

Bringing forth and verbalizing the new myth

Working on subtle realms; holding the awareness of a space of grace and intention

We address:

breakthrough thinking

becoming vehicles of service

training of the heart

recovery of spirituality

birth of the soul in form

discovering assumptions

forwarding the shift

being causal

power of group mind

oneness in consciousness and diversity in form

creating seed patterns within the mind of humanity

discovering the next step in consciousness

We are a portion of humanity reaching upward for something higher and that in itself is a service...so that something abstract can be invoked, given shape and brought down that eventually might result in some outward action or service.

I think we can tap areas on the mental plane that deal with new ideas concerning the greatest good for the greatest number, and bring those ideas down and formulate them in some kind of method...a media message...

We are a group operating between scientists and areas of the mental plane outside their domain.

The cutting edge is circle like this -- we work through personalities and make deep connection...able to sit around and deal with issues that matter, with high-powered intelligences and mutual respect for one another and get somewhere...carry this 'we-ness' out there.

Maybe we are on the verge of finding something altogether new and altogether unimaginable. It's not in the I; it is in the Us.

What could we sponsor? (What is it that we would find valuable for ourselves that could go beyond us to influence the world?)

Circle colloquies about basic understandings...

Salons where people exchange ideas...

Classes which teach modes for understanding...

Celebrations of the human spirit...

An electronic connection for thinkers worldwide...

Written and taped communiqués; tracking us and more...

Sixth Gathering
October 22, 1994
Seventh Gathering
November 20, 1994

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